Writing Weird Code https://twitter.com/tompng/status/1582322388678549504
The grand strategy of Ruby Parser https://github.com/ruby/lrama https://www.ruby-lang.org/ja/news/2023/12/25/ruby-3-3-0-released/
Cross-platform mruby on Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Wii https://github.com/KallistiOS/KallistiOS
Let's use LLMs from Ruby 〜 Refine RBS types using LLM 〜 https://github.com/patterns-ai-core/langchainrb https://github.com/vcr/vcr ChatGPT4-Omin
Generating a custom SDK for your web service or Rails API https://github.com/smithy-lang/smithy-ruby
Ractor Enhancements, 2024 https://ruby-doc.org/core-3.0.0/Ractor.html
irb(main):001> r = Thread.new {puts "I am in Thread!"}
=> #<Thread:0x00000001032a6c60 (irb):1 run>
I am in Thread!
irb(main):002> r = Ractor.new {puts "I am in Ractor!"}
(irb):2: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
I am in Ractor!
=> #<Ractor:#2 (irb):2 terminated>